So this is embarrassing, I've been back for a few months now and I am just now updating my blog. It was a bit tough adjusting to being back home but I can't complain. This trip was a great experience and it has helped me in so many ways. So to catch you up on where we left off:
The gang and I were on our way to catch a cruise out through Ha Long Bay for a weekend. We arrived at the harbor and boarded our boat. We had seen a lot of tourists (Aussies, Europeans etc.) and naturally assumed that we would be paired up with one of those groups but when we got on the boat, we were with the family that we had shared the bus with on the way down. Now, most people would think..this sucks. I think that we all did at first seeing as there were 3 small kids running around. It didn't take long for all of us to get comfortable.
Isn't the power of food wonderful?! It can bring so many different people together. Trevor, Ruben and I didn't speak a single word of Vietnamese and the two gentlemen sitting with us didn't speak a single word of English. Under other circumstances, we may never have interacted. It was just great to share some great Vietnamese food with some friendly locals while enjoying some of the most gorgeous views Vietnam has to offer.
These are the kids who we thought were going to be pains but ended up being really funny and became interested in everything we did! Quick question: why do a great deal of Asians throw up the peace sign for pictures?
Oh wait, I can't talk :)
^This is from when Ruben and I went on our tour of the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. PEACE!
Above is the view from atop Ti Top in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. We actually counted the stairs on the way back down- 436 to be exact! The panorama was spectacular and well worth the climb.
Above is the island of Ti Top. The little hut on the top is the spot with the view in the previous picture.
Give me a thumbs up if you love Vietnam!!!
So my blog at this point has turned into a photo journal with little snippets of wisdom inserted here and there. I figured that I should at least put this all together for myself to look back at some day if not so you all could see what I did for a month halfway around the world!
Next time on Slow Speed Chase: Cat Ba and Monkey Islands and back to Hanoi!